Tioga Downs Barn Fire

Apologies if this was already posted but I didn’t see it.
Apparently an arsonist set fire to one of the Tioga Downs barns yesterday morning. Mixed reports from 24 to 50 horses were killed.
It will be interesting to see the story develop. I get weird insurance vibes from it but what do I know.
So sad for all the horses, owners, trainers and grooms involved. :pensive:


That is absolutely horrible! WTF is wrong with people?!!!


Is this really necessary? There are multiple trainers that lost everything! My DH knows one of the trainers who was stabled in that barn, who lost almost everything a few years ago, managed to work his way back, was having an amazing year with good horses and you’re bringing up “insurance vibes”.


I saw a tiktok of someone driving by last night. It breaks my heart.

I am so afraid of fire.

Please be the voice for animals…

BOYD FENTON arrested in the death of 40+ horses who died in an arson fire at Tioga Downs in NY.

Didn’t receive a charge higher than a Class C… and not a single count of Aggravated Cruelty to Animals. (yet)

Sounds like the District Attorney’s office needs to hear from us:

P.O. Box 300
Owego, NY 13827

It’s our job to make sure justice is served for the animals who will never have a voice.



And yet that has been proven the reason for many deliberately set barn fires hence the first thought of many in any discipline.

People can be total pigs, all it takes is one deadbeat scum bag.


You might be hurting by proxy but the OP has a right to give her opinion. Plus we all have heard stories of insurance fraud when owners/trainers intentionally harm horses. It is NOT a far leap. She is not disparaging the loss of the horses in her statement.


As long as the poster makes clear that she knows absolutely nothing about this specific situation, then she can vibe all she wants.

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Most Standardbred owners/ trainers do not insure their horses. Generally only top stakes horses are insured (if even that). Most of the trainers at Tioga probably did not have that kind of stock. It seems like smaller “mom and pop” type stables are based there.

So this was likely a random criminal act, by a horrible and insane individual. I am heartbroken for these horses and for their connections.


Or its not about horses at all, they were wrong place, wrong time ,but something else. Like the money in the land and structures or a failing business involving the property. But large scale arson is usually about the money somewhere, somehow and not the act of a random firebug looking for jollies.

So now you’re thinking of blaming the track owner?! This is Tioga Downs owner:

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I just talked to my daughter who is racing out of Vernon Downs, a couple hours from Tioga. It appears that track owner is going to match up to $100K in donations to the horsemen.

From what she’s heard through the horseman’s grapevine (one of who was a fireman on the scene) is that the DA is going to go after animal cruelty charges, but wants an airtight case, so he doesn’t get off.

An update from the Paulick Report.


I really don’t think anyone here can give directives to other posters :laughing: She is allowed an opinion. We all are. Just go read some of the Lauren Kanarick (sp) threads. Lots of opinions and people trying to control others’ opinions and the opinions persisting despite random and baseless threats of legal action :rofl:


Yikes. Didn’t mean to strike a nerve. It’s just factual that most things like this end up with $ involved somehow.
Can’t imagine many arsonists getting a kick out of killing dozens of horses. And the area the arsonist is from is very well known for being run rampant by methamphetamine. (My husband works up that way) it’s not out of the question for someone to pay off an addict to perpetuate the crime.

With that said, we had a barn burn due to an electrical malfunction local to us about 12 years ago. 27 horses died. In the moment, they thought a lot of the horses were able to get out so search parties were quickly formed to look for them. I was there that night. I’ll never forget the scene, the smell, the fear. I understand the devastation and I don’t wish it on anyone.


Thank you, I know you didn’t!

Standarbred racing at a smaller track like Tioga isn’t a big money track, so like someone else mentioned, these horses were very unlikely to be insured.

My daughter has mentioned the meth problem in that area, but other than that, loves it at Vernon Downs.


It seems like every thread these days has someone pipe up to attempt to control how posters post. I’m getting sick of it. The op gave no disrespect, was appropriately appalled at the tragedy and made a logical comment about barn fires.


Honestly, my first thought was that perhaps it was an act of one of those crazy “better dead than enslaved” extremist animal rights activists


Is there any info on the suspect? Former employee? Angry gambler? Meth head? All of the above?

What kind of security did the track have? Should other small tracks tighten security?

What a horrible death for those poor horses! I hope the guy gets more charges related to animal cruelty. Anyone who could purposely kill that many animals could do horrible things to people. He needs to go to prison for a long time.

Like others have said, fire is the most terrifying event to me, and imagining the horses’ terror while dying of smoke inhalation or burns is my worst nightmare.

I’ve always thought fire was horrifying, but when I watched a house burn down across the street from me, I saw that the reality was so much worse than even my imagination.

BTW, signed the petition.