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Tips and tricks for breaking in a new saddle?

I just got my very first brand new saddle, I’m so excited
Any tips and tricks for a proper break in?

Well I would wear it for short stints to make sure it isn’t making horse sore and don’t discard previous saddle if it’s an ok fit until you are sure.


Thus far it actually fits him perfectly. Fits me very well too.
Saddle rep watched me ride in it the other day and said it’s well balanced for both him and I.
Told me to ride in it for 2 weeks then we will reevaluate


A good deep condition and let that conditioner soak in on a sunny day, then do it again.
Roll the flaps around (especially if grain).
I’ve also taken a smooth massage ball to the seat of my saddles while conditioning to help break in for customers in the past.
And then ride ride ride.