I board my horse, but since I’m on partial care I pay for her food & shavings. She’s fairly neat in her stall, always pooping and peeing in the back left corner of her stall. The stall is matted.
However, her turnout schedule has changed from being out all night long, to out all day long. Because she is spending 16 hours stalled vs the 11 hours she was in before, it seems she is making quite a bit more mess in her stall. Still in the same area, but more of it.
I have used everything from the shavings the BO gets delivered from a mill, to fine flake bags of shavings from TSC, to what she’s currently in, the wood pellet bedding that you wet and let expand.
The wood pellets I thought were great, because there’s virtually NO waste of shavings since it’s so fine it falls through the pitch fork. But it’s been about two weeks now and her stall is SO SO dusty. She has a tub right outside her stall that holds her blankets (shedrow style barn-protects them when not in use) and it’s COVERED in dust that wasn’t previously an issue (pre this bedding) Not to mention her water buckets, though dumped and refilled twice a day, seem to have a layer of dust on the top, which again, was never a problem before these pellets.
She isn’t having any respiratory issues knock on wood.
My other concern is the fact that it doesn’t seem as “comfy”…sure it kind of mimics sand IMO but I guess I’m just used to fluffy thick shavings. There are about 6 bags worth of the wood pellet shavings in right now, and it doesn’t seem “comfy” to me. Three wheelbarrows or three bags of traditional shavings seems to fluff up nicely.
Then there’s also the cost. A bag of wood pellet costs me $6.99 a bag. Times that by 6, which is what it took to start the stall, and that’s ~ $40 just to start the stall. BO charges $5 a wheel barrow for her shavings, and TSC usually costs me between $4.99 and 5.99 for a bag of shavings. 3 bags/wheelbarrows seems to do her stall perfect.
Am I crazy or is there more hype about the wood pellets than actual beneft?
BO uses 2 bags of pellets (unexpanded) as a base in her gelding’s stalls and has 2-3 wheelbarrows/bags of shavings on top for comfort. It controls the odor and helps soak up pee, but I don’t see the waste factor change a whole lot with them, as she’s putting new pellets and shavings in every other week.
What are my other options for a sanitary, easy clean, long lasting item? Is there one? I feel like there is hype about the wood pellets, and I had read a lot of great things about them, but honestly, aside from the waste reduction with my particular mare, I’m not exactly thrilled with them.