too much weight loss due to injury

I’ve lost some weight in the past few months due to a really painful disc injury. I just don’t want to eat as I don’t feel the desire, but it also makes me feel tired and physically stressed. Yes, my Dr. Is aware. I always eat a little something (usually protein foods or foods with calcium) before I have to take medication or vitamins, though. I’m not too thin but starting to head that way quickly. (We are working on getting approval for epidural injections.).

Suggestions? Thanks.

I’d suggest eating the high calorie versions — sort of the opposite of what I do! If you like cheese and it’s appealing to you, eat the full-fat versions. Drink whole milk instead of skim of 2%. It’s good that you are eating protein and calcium. Nuts are a great source of protein and other good things, and are higher in calories. Peanut butter or other nut butter. Years ago when I was recovering from a horse-inflicted injury (got kicked in the stomach and it lacerated my pancreas), I had no appetite and didn’t eat. The doctor told me to walk through the grocery store and get anything at all that looked appealing to me. Hope these ideas help!

Unfortunately, I have the complete opposite problem after a couple years injuries. I could make you a deal on 25 pounds. :smiley:

My father on the other hand is ridiculously skinny, probably close to the point of malnutrition. He’s taken to Ensure milkshakes, with a scoop of ice cream added to them, a couple times a day. He finally starting to look like he’s not an Ethiopian expat.

Thanks all.

Eeek, you poor thing. I hope you are all recovered from that. Thanks so much for the ideas. I forgot, I love cashews. I don’t think they are the healthiest of all the nuts but it’s a start. Maybe the desire to want to eat will catch on after a bit.

I’ve seen the Ensures but never had one. I’ll add some to the next online order (which is how I shop) and ice cream. Great idea as this may be easier to tolerate as solid foods seem to make me feel tired and more in pain.

I eat way too much chocolate. That and ice cream. Lots of calories in a small package. My Mom has an Ensure daily and it helps a lot. Several flavors. She was down to 114 from a good weight of 140, made it easier to do transfers but really, not a good thing. She’s back up to around 125 or so. Hope the Drs can come up with something to ease some of your pain.

I have had the same issue, and what helped me are making protein shakes: protein powder (lots of flavors to choose from- Optimum Nutrition is my fav brand), milk of your choice, and then go crazy with the additives. Frozen fruit, greens, peanut or almond butter, chocolate, greek yogurt… There are loads of recipes online to try and some are pretty high calorie and loaded with nutrition. Good Luck- I hope you feel better soon!

I had the same problem after knee surgery last spring. I’m fairly slim and didn’t really have the extra weight to lose. When I returned to riding I had significant seatbone pain because I didn’t have enough padding. I switched to eating full fat greek yogurt with nuts, and other calorie dense foods, and I’ve now regained about half of the weight lost.

Ensure also has a high calorie version. I find if i drink 1-2 a day i feel better in general. But i buy extra protien as i dont need extra calories