
I am under alter for this one as it happened at work. I work in medicine and lift lots of patients & equipment. Yes, I get help lifting but it still ends up ruining your body.

This was just yesterday. I filed an incident report, went to the ER where I work and they think it is herniated disc - lower lumbar. I’m not that familiar with symptoms of new herniated discs but I have horrific, knife-like, stabbing pains in the left thigh, predominantly, although they also occur in the right thigh, both calves & then pins in needles in the feet & calves. Thighs also were feeling like someone poured boiling water over them. Went to the orthopedist after that, he wrote cortisone pills (medrol pack), muscle relaxers & pain killers. I’m waiting for approval from workers compensation of an MRI & I start physical therapy in a few days.

Is that what new herniated discs feel like? This is freaking nasty. Advice?

Oh, how much time did you end up being off from work? Realize I do a physical job. Yes, I know, ask my Dr. but I want to see what people here have done. Unfortunately, they are not able to transfer me to something easier. I also can’t go get an easier job as I really won’t meet my bills.

Thanks so very, very much.

Yes. And it’s terrible. I have three herniated discs and I injured my sacroiliac joint. Some herniated discs fix themselves with physical therapy, mine did not. So I lost a 100lbs. And still not much of a help. So I had accupunture and that DID help.

My discs are still herniated and there are days when I can’t move. I’m just too young to have back surgery right now and I cannot take the time off needed to recover.

That being said, my boyfriend also herniated a disc and it popped back in place in less than a week and he’s had no residual problems.

How much time did I end up being off from work? I can only work part time now. I had to stop riding for two years.

Get accupunture on top of everything AND DO YOU PHYSICAL THERAPY. I hope your disc goes back in place, they should know more once they do the MRI. I’m sorry :frowning: I don’t want to be a debbie downer, my injury really changed my life.

I had a herniated disc and it hurt like hell. Physical therapy did work. I don’t have a “physical” job but I did try to refrain from lifting hay bales and didn’t ride for about a month to let it heal. Good luck!!

Yup, you lucky thing! Welcome to the herniated lower back disc club. :sadsmile:

I did my L5/L6/SI1 area about 10 years ago now, putting on my socks…obviously, it was just a time bomb, waiting to go off. I do think there are common symptoms, but everyone’s back issues present differently. I did PT, caudal epidural injections, steroids, more PT, direct injection into my back, more PT, two different MRIs, daily vicodin/robaxin for a year…until finally my neurologist and I decided on a laminectomy/discotomy. Ah, blessed relief! I’ve been relatively pain-free since then. Riding never hurt, oddly, during all of that. Couldn’t sit or stand for long while it was at its worst.

I will say that continued PT and core exercise has been the answer for me to keep my back happy. I know when I’ve over done it, and I do keep vicodin and flexeril on hand for those times. My PT refers to my issue now as PODS (Pissed Off Disc Syndrome)–I just rile up the nerves and muscles back there occasionally and need to do my exercises and relax the whole shebang to get back on track.

Good luck-don’t wait to make a move on this. Your symptoms of tingling, numbness, etc. can lead to permanent damage. I luckily didn’t have much of that.

Thanks so very much, guys.

And so sorry to hear you are in the same boat. I’m glad you all are doing better. The zings are a bit less but the cortisone pills are giving me a headache (that is not even going away with a prescription migraine medication).

Thanks for talking & helping. I Really appreciate it. Mentally, it’s throwing me for a loop, too. My life is hard and I don’t need another problem. As said, I won’t be able to switch to another job and make what I do now.

I start physical therapy on Sat.

Sigh. Big soft hugs to you all, too.

Just remember that it will get better-- you’ll have workers compensation to help you, but you do have a road to travel that will be hard and painful. In my experience, if the cortisone/muscle relaxers, etc. don’t help fairly quickly…then you’ll need to explore other options (injections, surgery).

I’ll go ahead a say it: avoid chiropractic, at least for now. Your MRI will tell you and your doctor(s) what is really going on in there, and how to proceed. You said you work in the ER, so you know what I mean. Hang in there! This will pass, and you’ll be back at it before you know it. Good luck and keep us posted. Those of us who’ve “done” the back thing will always be here to support you.

Awww, thank you so very much, CC. Really. I’ve been pretty scared and you all have done a great job at helping & holding my hand, which has been comforting. It’s been creepy as hell to feel as if my lower body was plugged into a shorting out electrical socket. The zings are, mostly, now just left outer mid-thigh, about 1 every half hour. Is that good progress? Sort of feels like a bee sting. Agreed on avoiding the chiro until things are quite stabilized, at least. I love the chiro and go often for other things but this is too unstable for that. Again, thank you so much and wishing you all wellness & to be pain free!

Most importantly, get thee to a workman’s comp attorney immediately!!! Absolutely do NOT go back to the place of your employment for any reason at all until talking with the attorney. Do not sign any documents. Do not talk to people or supervisors at your job. Do this NOW!

Great point, TW. Thanks so much. I’m going to send you a p.m. later, if you don’t mind. I have an appointment I have to get to right now.

Electrical zings are getting better, still taking cortisone. But, when I do something like lift the half gallon milk container to put milk in my tea (and I do try to lift it carefully) it’s just not good in there.

Did any of you get bouts of the sobs & sniffles, too, as this makes you feel more vulnerable in life?

Great point, TW. Thanks so much. I’m going to send you a p.m. later, if you don’t mind. I have an appointment I have to get to right now.

Electrical zings are getting better, still taking cortisone. But, when I do something like lift the half gallon milk container to put milk in my tea (and I do try to lift it carefully) it’s just not good in there.

Did any of you get bouts of the sobs & sniffles, too, as this makes you feel more vulnerable in life?

Your alter slipped there…ooops!

Are you on narcotic painkillers (vicodin?)? If so, then yes, they gave me the weepies a bit, and I got terribly depressed. I am by nature a worrier, but also quite optimistic (dare I say Pollyanna-ish in my positivity) so it didn’t last long. I made all sorts of “what if” plans, but in the end, my everyday life and activities came back to normal within a year of the injury. In my experience, it takes about a year from injury to full recovery, regardless of type (I’ve had LOTS of orthopedic injuries in the last 10 years!).

I’m a nurse…

Who’s experienced multiple disc herniations L3 to S1 over a 35 hr career. Currently have one cervical… for awhile I had to leave patient care and get an “office” kind of job in nursing away from patient care because of my back. Extreme weightloss saved me and I’m back at it…but NSAIDS are my life and will likely always be. There are lots of healthcare careers/training around. Stay open to the options; you may HAVE to leave pt. care. Learn/research all you can on the subject and do everything your docs recommend. Knowledge is power and helps reduce anxiety. Try/do everything. :yes: Get second opinions. I was in your shoes exactly and the system worked for me but I had to live on LOTS less $$. I could go on & on…remember…without surgery (which is not always appropriate anyway) remember…it takes 6-12 months for a disc to re-absorb and fix so you may be symptomatic for that time…or longer…or the rest of your life if you do ANY lifting etc. I would anticipate a minimum 2 month acute phase recovery time. And sadly, riding is NOT part of your rehab until you are outa the acute phase and your disc is fixed. :sadsmile: My best wishes to you. A lot of us share your pain.

OMG, I want to give you all a big hug & kiss for all your help. It’s actually making my eyes teary right now, how you all are reaching out to help this sinking soul. Huge appreciation and may you all have great karma returned back to you. Meds for now are cortisone pills, ultram & motrin. I take zanaflex or baclofen when the zings get too bad. Wateryglen - wow, thanks so much for all your expert help. I am truly sorry about what you’ve dealt with, omg. You are truly inspiring. Again, I don’t know how to thank you.

In the next two days I’ve got appointments for PT, scan & ortho. The burning feeling in the outer thighs is back - that comes and goes. Thank you again, so very much, dear friends.

I herniated a disc up higher. I had horrible pain down my left leg. The pain was so excruciating, I had to take Lorcet. I have permanent damage down my left hip to my knee. I have no feeling at all. The disc on the MRI was about the size of a silver dollar. I took Gabopentin for a while to ease the nerve pain down my leg. PT and gently getting back into exercise helped. I have not had any more disc issues, but have had sacrum issues. I made the mistake of lifting my trailer ramp the wrong way and paid dearly for that. I felt like a steel claw grabbed me, and had to get my breath back. Ice is my new best friend. I can not believe I have these issues, as I am an exercise freak and work on my core all the time. I couldn’t ride for about 2 months with the disc. Go easy on yourself and you will heal. Back pain is one big suck! The nerve damage doesn’t interfere with any activity, it’s just a strange sensation. Good Luck!!

Aww, so sorry 2horse ! Did you find the gabopentin (neurontin) easy to take? Well, I’m glad you are feeling better, though, for sure.

Oh, did any of you get the chills just after you got the stabbing pains? I do & it’s kinda creepy.

Yes the Gabopentin was great. I would take it at night or when I got off of night shift. Huge help. I try to be so careful, but things do happen.

I had to take the Lorcet because I was in so much agony. I can not understand how people take this stuff just to take it. I felt like I was “melting into the mattress.” I also felt kind of nauseated too. The stabbing pain was so bad, that sitting on the toilet was a dreaded occasion.

Aww, so sorry 2horse ! Did you find the gabopentin (neurontin) easy to take? Well, I’m glad you are feeling better, though, for sure.[/QUOTE]

Neurontin keeps me sane with my herniated discs. I have a HUGE amount of nerve pain and work a physical job. It took a bit to get used to is, but once I did and started taking it every day it really did help me.

I am on pain management. I do not anticipate having back surgery any time soon. I have started to ride again, own my own horse. I pay for full care now because I know I cannot muck a stall in the winter when everything is wet and heavy.

Anything can throw me into the throngs of remembering that I have hurt my back. I can predict the weather 3 days into the future though!

I just look on the bright side, I hope that with core strength and working out with some more weight loss, hopefully I can avoid surgery. I try hard not to complain about being in pain but there are times it’s just to much.

Once my attitude about my back pain changed, so did my life. I can say that having to endure extreme pain for a long time really colors your life grey. I basically said f that, I’m going to live life and that’s what I’ve been doing.

Yeah, that sounds like my symptoms when I herniated my disc. But, I got it getting bucked off a horse and landed on hard ground on my back. Can you get it lifting heavy stuff?

I was very much drugged up the first couple of weeks - just lay on hard ground sleeping. Can’t sleep on mattress. I then had two injections that helped ton, followed by physical therapy. I no longer have pain but still today, almost a year later, my left leg is weaker than the right. Also acupuncture and Yoga help a lot.

Thanks guys, again, so much. Not good news at the ortho today.
1 lateral herniation (L3-4) & the levels below 3-4 all have bulges. Got a prescription for neurontin & am out of work for a few months or maybe forever (as per ortho). Sob, sniffle.

Gloria, yes you can get it lifting heavy things. It’s very common in the medical field. I read the words where you said you don’t have pain now, about three times and tried to hang onto that idea.

Whiskey (um, whiskey sounds like a great idea about now) I so love your
“I basically said f that, I’m going to live life and that’s what I’ve been doing”. I need to learn to be like that, when I get better. Bravo.

2horse, how are you feeling nowadays?

Anyone know anything about permanent disability? I think my Doc thinks going back to a physical job just won’t work for me.

Damn, I didn’t expect this in life.