
Anotheralter–keep asking those questions! Sometimes, you just need to hear another voice (ok, read another voice! ;)) who has been there, done that. Reading other people’s experiences gives a way to compare symptoms, find new ideas for treatment, validate your gut feelings, or just get the scary parts out there, out of your head. Whenever you need an ear, I’m here for you.

Well, Calvin gets it. Thank you, dear. Sending you a big (soft) hug & kiss for all your help and moral support.

Say, neurontin is, um, - interesting. I took a 300 mg. one a few hrs. ago. (Up till now, I usually only took half of one at a time, which is sometimes how I start some meds to see how I tolerate them. Too many reactions to some meds in the past.). My neck & upper back feel looser than they have in years, much less pain in lower back right now but still some occasional left thigh zings. But, significant head buzz - which I’m not sure if I like or not.

Does that go away a bit after you get used to the medication? I wouldn’t drive feeling like this. (Watery - please ignore as this is another question that you might say “ask your doctor” to.)

I always took it at night or coming off night shift, I would take it when I got home. I never had issues due to being asleep. I was a blessing to help calm that nerve down.