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You want an orphaned foal??

Your parameters and plan is seriously flawed to be honest … :frowning:

If you get a March / April / May foal are you prepared to take time off work and feed it every few hours through the day and night? The chances are very good you wont be able to put it in with Mom and her baby without some hands on, constant supervision or the dam could well kill it or seriously injure it and the chances are very good she sure as heck wont allow it to nurse from her and if she does, her milk may not be enough for 2 of them and you may need to supplement her

While not 100% ideal, foals DO manage, develop and grow up and keep themselves amused just fine on their own. Throw some balls and pylons in the field and the foal will amuse itself

You need to look at this, not through rose coloured, idealistic glasses, but in a very real manner. You cant just find a foal that is a few weeks old and throw it in with your baby and expect them to be lifelong friends and the dam will nurture, feed and care for it as she does with her own

Life just doesn’t work that way unfortunately … :no:

Your foal will do fine with his dam until weaning time. Look into buying a weanling around his age in late summer/fall whenever you plan to wean yours.

You may not even need to buy. Find another small breeder with an only foal who needs a buddy, and/or doesn’t have suitable acreage to wean their mare and foal. Offer to board the foal for a reduced rate to allow both youngsters a better social situation.

I was going to say pretty much exactly what AJ said. :yes:

Darn it, why did no one quote the OP?

Darn it, why did no one quote the OP?[/QUOTE]

Lol. She was just asking about where to get a foal so when hers was born, it would have a friend to play with.

[QUOTE=spotted draft x filly;8504360]
Lol. She was just asking about where to get a foal so when hers was born, it would have a friend to play with.[/QUOTE]
That seems like a strange thing to delete, in two different threads.

That seems like a strange thing to delete, in two different threads.[/QUOTE]

It seems like a weirder thing to ask in the first place. But I guess knowledge is power!