Got your message.I am still wading through getting used to the new BB.
Thanks a zillion for the gift of Black Beauty - I’ll be looking forward to the arrival in my mailbox :smiley:

OMG, this is so awful! Especially the messages - they have it set up like you’re posting something. I lost a bunch of messages between Sunday afternoon & Monday evening, including all of yours & a bunch from other people w/addresses & stuff.
Did you notice all the messages from each person are now combined? So yours/mine will look like one message but when you click on it, it’s in chronological order (most recent first). Nice, actually, but takes some getting used to.
FYI, “we” now have a 1,000-character limit on messages (actually, I PM’d Mod1 & she put it up to 2,000 temporarily, at least until glitches/complaints get resolved). Good for my editing skills, trying to describe problems in 1,000 characters!
I’ll get the hang of it eventually… I think… I’m too old for this!