Will put 3/19 on the calendar - thanx for the alert.

I did see that pic of Cotton - whatta cutie. The others made me smile, too - I love that one of Bagheera looking very panther-like under the purple bush. I believe I recognize a ceramic, lighted Christmas tree in Tenuto’s picture - we used to have one just like it. One of my brother’s long-ago girlfriends made it, then wanted it back when they broke up.

I hate this new message system - it took me a long time to figure out how to answer you. I hope I did… there’s no “Reply”! I clicked on your name & went to the “Write Something” at the bottom. But the cursor isn’t visible, so if I decide to change something I have to wait & see if it changed. Oh, well - I’ll get used to it eventually.

Regards to Cotton & Co., and thanx again for the heads-up.