Somehow I got sucked into reading about the poor fellow and his small dog who were killed in a dog attack. I have to admit, I tend not to be a huge fan of a “Pit Bull-appearing dog,” but 1) you did a phenomenal job stating your case, at least up through about page 20, at which pint I had to pause to give you a virtual high-five and 2) my young English Retriever is giving me the “oh hell no!” face…one of her training pals is a most lovable, though badly in need of exercise and training, pit bull. Wilma, the pit bull, is a love, and has really helped me, through personal experience, change my view on pits.
I saw the video on Patrick Stewart’s FB you linked: “Gesundheit, Ginger!” I died! What a doll! She reminds me so much of my retriever girl - so goofy and loving…ALL THE TIME. That was adorable. I have been told that my dog is bound to bite someone. Why? Because she is blocky and not exactly fine-boned, I guess. The worst she has offered to do is to pull her amazing wrestling move by sitting on her opponent. Nice, classy English girl, right?! Love her to bits, “vicious” as she is. I have no doubt my girl would have a grand time romping with any of your dogs, though they would be too agile to let her pull that signature move!
Anyway, just had to applaud you for all of done for dogs - not just one breed or another. If Ginger ever feels the need to visit KC, MO, Emma will be waiting!
Tracy (Ace)