HELP!!! Hi fellow Equine enthusiast, I’m new and mainly joined because I have a 24 year old OTTB gelding. This past year he has been struggling with a nasty and sometimes bloody discharge coming out of his left nostril. We tried EVERY anti-biotic in the books, with Penicillin shots, to just regular SMZ’s. Finally my vet said that my horse has a Guttural Pouch Infection, there is no cure for this. Without having surgery… So we did not go through with the surgery. We tried to flush it, but the scope would not fit. So we decided to just let him live with it. Recently the vet came back out to check up on him and noticed a tumor on his face… scary. The vet also noticed that he has zero breathing coming out of that nostril. So my question is, has anyone ever dealt with either a guttural pouch infection or a tumor in the nasal cavity? I would really like some advice in weather I need to limit our riding or what.