No big plans for Noble, as the adorable goober has not one but two long-standing suspensory injuries (both on the right side, which will be helpful for him injuring the left side, as the left side tries to compensate for the right.) Light riding only for the next couple months. Too bad, because his trot and canter are so smooth when he can do them. We did go up to Scarlet Hill for a hack and he did a fine job keeping it together even when riding away from other horses. Good boy. Actually he was really comfortable there. And, he was able to move pretty comfortably on the footing in the indoor (he wanted to lie down and have a nice roll in the outdoor). Figures: I have a horse that would do best at a $1300-per month barn with great facilities and lovely pastures, even though he is too lame to be in work and is insulin-resistant. :slight_smile:

Don’t tell Meredith; she will despair of me. :slight_smile: