Hi, can you tell me more about your experiences with Corinne over trying to get Capone semen? I am suing her for breach of contract and more since she basically stole my teenage daughter’s life savings, for a breeding for her very beloved jumper mare that she retired just to get a foal, and never provided a single collection. We have thousands in vet bills over 3 breeding seasons and my daughter’s mare is now likely too old to try again next year. She is crushed. Every single time she made an excuse why she couldn’t collect. Now she says she’s fulfilled her obligations under the contract and we are SOL because it was a 2015 contract and has “expired”. She did at one point offer me ONE dose of frozen to replace the entire LFG fresh contract, with no LFG. When I said that was nuts she said his frozen was $1000 PER straw and it was 3 straws to a dose so I was getting a deal. LMAO at that one. And she then said that since I questioned this and didn’t “appreciate” the deal she was giving me that “frozen is no longer an option for you”. I have since found out that Capone has been incapable of collecting for years and she was taking money from people fraudulently. This woman needs to pay for what she is doing to people. I for one am not going to drop it. It’s absolutely disgusting. I was so shocked to see this thread this morning and can’t believe some people actually are defending her or think it could be an innocent mixup. I would really appreciate any info you can give me on your dealings with her to see if it jives with my own.
I bred to him in 2014 with fresh semen and the resulting 2015 filly was confirmed via DNA to be by Capone. I had no problems that year. Last year before I booked to Capone, I asked if he had any confirmed pregnancies that year and if his semen was confirmed viable as I knew that he was getting up in age. She gave some BS line about Juan Samper being her vet and blah blah blah, but I don’t think she acutally answered the question. First cycle I tried to breed last year she couldn’t collect because one of her farm workers got kicked in the head by one of her young stallions and she was at emergency. Said she could collect next day…the next day she coudlnt’ collect because capone had popped some stitches from a previous injury and she didn’t want the stress of collecting to cause more damage. I did receive two fresh collections. First one was 2 doses in one semen extender bottle (I’m local so she put it in a regular box with newspaper, sigh) She didn’t tell me both doses were in the same bottle, so I inseminated all and when mare didn’t ovulate, she had another excuse why she coudn’t collect (I forget what that excuse was). I did get a second collection next cycle and mare didn’t catch. One more cycle, she was in the states for a family emergency and couldn’t collect…she suggested frozen and I got ONE straw…and thankfully my mare caught…
I suspected right away that there may be an issue with his semen viability, because, let’s face it, if you’re standing a stallion during breeding season, you make yourself available to collect him. The excuses were just too bizarre and too many. She didn’t charge me any extra for the frozen semen, because she was the one making the stallion not available.