Peedin, I was so glad to read your post about how you’re enjoying your new horse, in some ways even more than your previous boy. I am having the same experience with my new fella! I had no idea that my previous horse, who was amazing and wonderful, was nevertheless so freakin’ opinionated and rigid about things! The new fella redefines “work ethic.” You asked Fanny to do something other than cruise down the trail, and she wanted to know why, and could you please ask her better, and were you really serious, and then she would do it exquisitely, at least until she got bored in five minutes. You ask Noble to do something, and he says, “Oh! Okay, Mom. Yes. Yes, I will do that. I will do it right now. Is this right? Am I doing it right, Mom? Yes! I am a good pony!” Fanny tolerated the ring and loved the trail; Noble tolerates the trail (he doesn’t see the point; what, exactly, is his job on the trail? If he is with another horse, though, that is different and he takes it very seriously and chugs along like a machine. I think he feels that in that case, his job is showing the other horse how to be a good employee) and loves the ring.
Best wishes to you and your new horse, and for the holiday season.