Judges’ cards.
Back when I showed as a junior rider (ages ago) judges’ cards were available in the show office OR even posted outside the show office and my trainer and I would go in and review them. She would use them as coaching and I would get a “report card” on my riding.
After not showing and riding for awhile, I started my own barn and we made our way slowly back to the “A” show ring about 5 years ago. At my first show, I asked if I could see the judge’s card after my green hunter round and the gate guy acted shocked! He said I’d have to talk to a steward who would have to check with the judge and then MAYBE I could see it at the end of the day. The steward told me she would check with the judge, but they would have to check with show management and then I could possibly look at it at the end of the show. Then it was my turn to be shocked!?
What has happened to transparency? Feedback? I pay a LOT of money for my classes and would love to know what I did right and what I did wrong. There is precedence in this with dressage riders- they get their tests back with scores and comments.
I would like to know what everyone’s thoughts are on this issue and what (if any) push-back there might be if we try to implement a rule change to provide for the posting of judge’s cards at shows (after the class has been pinned, obviously). I cannot really think of a “down side”, but I’m sure I’m not seeing the whole picture.
TIA for your opinions. :slight_smile: