Hey Hillary!

As many times as I’ve read threads by others that pretty much amount to “I have an idea and I want everyone who comments to agree with me,” I’m now kinda sorta doing just that.

In the last few weeks I’ve been leaning more toward doing an ATV instead of a tractor for my place. I’m curious if you have any thoughts? I wanted to say “but I have friends who have farms without tractors” but I haven’t yet.

I thought I was pretty clear in posting that I wanted information about ATV’s, but everyone’s pretty much jumping on the bandwagon of “you really need a tractor.”

I’m curious if you have any thoughts … either to post in the thread or next time we see each other. No rush, not buying before May/June timeframe (based on paying off horse trailer around then).



Your no tractor plan makes sense to me given the layout of your property and the fact that you can either do most of it without one and have the option to hire out major tasks like mowing the pasture as needed.

I know that my friend Stacey is also tractor-free and I think her property is about the same size as yours with similar # of animals in the pasture (Seminole and 3 large ponies). She hires an Amish fellow who lives down the road to bush hog her back pasture 1x or 2x per year and then maintains the front pasture (which can be seen from the road/her house) with a riding mower of some variety and does the rest by hand. Her son got an ATV for x-mas though, so I know she is excited about the possibility of using that for some farm chores. If you aren’t going to buy until the summer, we can inquire with her in a few months about how helpful or not it has been!