My 7 year old Andalusian had some lameness issues when I bought him in October (wasn’t aware of it). Took him to an equine hospital and we determined both front pasterns were inflammed. We went ahead and did the pro stride treatment. He basically got 2 months of rest (just turnout). Started riding him again in January. Everything was great until he got shoed (yesterday). Went to ride him after he got his shoes and he was off. The farrier was still there and we did the hoof testing and he wasn’t showing signs of pain. I lunged him this morning and he looked sound. Got on and he is better but still off. I am wondering if any of you have some similar issues. I am not sure if that could be the pasterns acting up again (maybe from being flexed during shoeing) or if it’s coming from the sole. Once again, sound on the lunge this morning and off under saddle. Same pattern as when I had bought him. I am hoping that he is sensitive to shoeing… He is also a bit overweight and I am working on making him lose weight. He has a lot of action in front and pounds the ground pretty hard. I only ride him in very good footing and I don’t ride him hard. Any ideas? Feeback would be much appreciated!!