Thank you for posting your blog address. I too will soon be going thru this and your blog was very helpful to me. Many of the feelings that you put words to, is exactly what I’m feeling and thinking.
Very well written…
Thank you for posting your blog address. I too will soon be going thru this and your blog was very helpful to me. Many of the feelings that you put words to, is exactly what I’m feeling and thinking.
Very well written…
Thank you. That is exactly why I wrote it. Tommy was my second horse to reach the end of his life and I remember feeling lost the first time as death and euthanasia were really not talked about back then. It helped me through the process and I hoped it would help other people feel less alone and be able to trust themselves in making the decision.
Feel free to message me if you need to talk or anything, but don’t want to post on the board.