You’re completely fine, thank you for the response Emily! On my behalf, sorry for my delay- a death came up, and I was forced to be out of town for a handful of days, and for the life of me I couldn’t figure out how to get back to my messages lol.
Thats good to hear. Since my boy is on the bigger-built side, he’s always been at risk for arthritis (at least thats what his old vet/owner always said) and while I always have my farrier double check him when he’s out, I’m still an overprotective momma.
When I got back from my hiatus, after not riding for about a week, I warmed him up, and seeing the jumps set up he was so eager top start jumping again, so I popped him over a few 2" jumps, and a 3’6 oxer. He charged towards them like always, and had his ears up, so I definitely know he’s happy to be back in work! I did some flat/dressage for the next couple of days after, gave him a day off, then jumped once more.
I had a little panic moment when he was starting to run out when we tried doing a few 4" singles and oxers. Granted it was 90 degrees, and he always hated the heat. I gave him a moment of walking and trying to collect ourselves, and lowered the height to 3", where he ran out one more time before I turned him around, and made him go over it.
Normally, had he been bucking or throwing a fit I wouldn’t of continued jumping him, but he would always approach the jump super strong, and have his ears perked like normal. He would just dodge out at the last second. At first I thought it was the height, but once he did it to the 3" jump (earlier in the ride I had trotted him over it with no issues) I figured he must of either gotten very hot and tired, or he could sense I wasn’t on my game, and wouldn’t work if I didn’t. He’s a great guy, but he’s the type to have a fit it I don’t ask him to canter with the perfect cues.

I cooled him down after he jumped the 3" successfully as mentioned above, as I didn’t want to end on a bad note, then went to hosing him off, and checking him over to see if anything was bothering him. He wasn’t in pain or acting strangely on the flat, and his legs were fine so i’m wondering if it was just an off day for us? Obviously you don’t know him or his personality, but what do you think? I’m worried maybe I didn’t give him enough of a break from the last jump session, or enough of a workout to prepare for normal exercise after my hiatus… I’m going to stick to more flat for the next couple of days just in case, and make sure he’s comfortable before jumping again.

Thank you for everything!