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HI I just wanted to say that I’m sorry you’re being harangued for attending on PF on the thread by Skydy and others. That one has been lashing out at anyone who even pondered going to a show in 2020… i had a run in with her back in probably April on the same subject. I agree with you, we can do event outside with masks hand sanitizer and social distancing and I don’t question your motives. The show we went to last weekend just sent out a note saying they had a positive after attending the show, and told everyone where they were stabled and have notified everyone who came in contact. That is how it’s supposed to be as far as I’m concerned, that’s the system working correctly. Now hopefully no one else will get sick since we all followed the rules. Time will tell. Best of luck to you and safe travels home.

Hi! Thank you. I felt like someone should say something from the other side. What’s so bizarre to me is that she’s not going to see her elderly and dying parents…to…save them?

She’s clearly stressed, and I have empathy for that. My best friend caught COVID at home while doing quarantine. At some point we will all probably get it, and being as safe as we can while still trying to live is the best I can come up with.

Thanks for the note, I appreciate it.