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Hi there, responding in private to your question may be better:

Nursing homes here have been closed for months, a friend’s brother is in one and he has not seen his brother, just talked to him.
He said there are some positives, but no one was sick?
All nursing homes are in quarantine here, some more strict than others, some had positives, some sick, some may have passed on.
HIPPA keeps them from talking about that, but the Health Department is watching it all and they are all following directives for COVID.
That is all I know.

For what some report, they think a small load of virus the body test positive, but they fight it and are lightly to no sick.
If someone is exposed to a large virus load, those get sicker, or something like that is one theory, until they know more.
Also another possibility is that at 11 days she is not out of the woods for a few more days?
Maybe she was a false positive, or fought it without problems and will be fine, let’s hope so.
Surely by 14 days they will let her go back to her normal life and her helpers return?

I think here they have a 30 minute quick test and if that is positive, they send patient to the special COVID unit in a hospital for another test, that takes a couple days.
There theyy are examined and treated if needed, counseled on what to do next, etc.
Not sure how they do things where your MIL is?

Maybe the second test will be negative, that would sure be nice.
Hope that helps.