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Hi 2nd time around -

Thank you for your message. Oh, saddle woes. It is so hard to find something that doesn’t interfere with their shoulders, provides enough width, and is short enough for their backs. I am looking at 15" saddles as we need the panels to be 15 inches at maximum. My preference would be closer to 14 or 14.5 panels, but that is hard to come across. Would love to get your rep’s email just to inquire. I am thinking I would be in the same boat though - not many companies stock XXXW+ in 15" pony saddles! That is why I am looking at native pony / UK companies to try to accommodate her shape. The Working / Show Hunter saddles do fit better around the large shouldered ponies. While forward flaps may be good for longer legs, they really seem to elongate the saddle’s panel length and kind of get in the way of their front leg action. I don’t mind my knee being slightly over the flap - as long as my pony’s back is happy, LOL!