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Hi MapleFarm,
So glad to hear you love the area so far! I’m hoping to move there in a couple years, when kids are out of the nest. Good luck, and keep us posted on what it’s like there.

When my fella seemed like he would need to retire, I spoke with the folks at White Rock Manor retirement, in the area, and they seemed really nice and helpful from my very brief interaction with them (as soon as Fella realized I was talking about sending him south, he magically increased in soundness). Maybe they would be a good contact, though really I know nothing more about them.

Best, and congratulations on your new farm!


Thank you, SharonA!
I haven’t experienced a winter here yet, but so far, everything is great. A local hunt has multiple fixtures on my road, so I’m looking forward to joining at some point when my mare is ready. Everyone I have met here has been very welcoming and generous.

Thank you for the reference and for the congratulations!