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Hi. I saw that you have an arena in GA with sand and fiber. I just moved to alabama, and I am building a 70X200 outdoor arena. (see my post in the same thread where you posted). I am contemplating sand with possibly a fiber additive- I was wondering if I could ask what brand of fiber additive you used and how much of it? Also, how much sand and what type of sand? I was also curious what your base is like?
Jam Lee TePoel (on facebook) or you can message me here and hopefully I can figure out how to get it. I’m new to this site today .

Hi! I have Future Track footing which is a mix of fiber and a very highly processed sand (feels like flour, almost.) I have a 6" M10 base. My project was renovating an existing arena (changing both width and length) and it took a considerable amount of material - 12 dump trucks of the special sand, and then I believe it was 5-6 huge bales of the fiber. I did keep a bit of a blog about the process if you want to see it sort of step by step (you have to scroll down toward the bottom for the arena stuff) https://hedgerow-farm.com/. If you have questions or want to chat further my email is SCollinsHCIT@gmail.com. Susan