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Hi. is your rubber crumb and sand in an outdoor arena? Where are you located? I just moved to Phil Campbell, Alabama from VA and am in the process of building a 70X200 foot arena (see my post #10 in this thread). The arena site is graded with a 1% slope, but I still need to add the base & footing. I have contemplated adding a carpet based fiber additive to the sand vs a rubber based additive to the sand, vs only using sand alone on top of the base. I have heard from a friend in Northern VA that the rubber additive is light and tends to float away in heavy rains or even blow away. I was wondering if you found that to be true with your rubber crumb additive? It probably also is dependent on your location and the general climate and amount of rain you get. Here in Phil Campbell, Alabama we get very little rain in the summer (hasn’t rained for about 3 weeks, but has been hot & humid), but I’m told it rains nearly non-stop in the winter months here. So I was wondering how the rubber might last here without washing away? Anyone else reading this can feel free to comment if you have experience with rubber additive vs fiber additive. Thanks.

Jam Lee TePoel (on Facebook) or jeffnjam@yahoo.com or hopefully I can figure out how to respond if you reply directly on this site. I am still fairly new to this site. I still haven’t learned how to create a new thread/topic. Maybe you can give me advice on that.


I posted on the forum so that it is there for posterity :slight_smile:
As for starting threads, there should be a button at the top of the page just below where it says forum rules that says ‘start new topic’
If it’s not showing up, then you need to contact a moderator. They have been working on the platform since it got hacked a few months back and there have been some glitches; the site may have not granted you access for some reason