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Hi. I read on a post that you were in Alabama. I wondered where in Alabama you are located? I just moved to Phil Campbell, Alabbama 35581 from VA. I would love to connect with other horse people in Alabama. I don’t have my horses here yet- we have to finish fencing first. However, I am worried about them eating the Johnson Grass in their pasture b/c it is toxic. Do you have much johnson grass in your pasture where your horses are? If so, do they eat it? or do they tend to try and avoid the johnson grass if there is some other grass available in the pasture? There is quite a lot of Johnson grass in the pasture where we plan to put the horses. I wondered if it would be best to try and spray it or bush hog it before the horses arrive? What are your thoughts?

Jam Lee TePoel (on facebook) or Jeffnjam@yahoo.com - PS- I’m new to this site- hopefully I can figure out how to access a private message if you reply directly here. I also haven’t figured out how to start a new post or thread yet, maybe you could give me suggestions on that.

I am southwest of Birmingham between Centreville and Montevallo.

Yes I have some Johnson grass in my big pasture. My horses do not like it so I do not worry about it. I also have gotten some in hay I have bought but horses do not like it. It is hard to eradicate however you can do it with Round-up and wicking so only the tall grass gets a dose of Roundup. I have gotten rid of it in my small pasture by mowing it close about every week. The don’t call it “Swamp Grass” for nothing. It has rhizomes but frequent mowing in hot dry weather will kill it as long as you mow the grass short.I don’t really stress about it because it is not the first choice for my horses and I keep really nice “Northern” hay in front of them. They prefer Orchard Grass or Timothy any day to Johnson grass.