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Hi, I just switched from a Trilogy Verago to a Custom saddle and find the twist on the Custom saddle to be narrower than that of the Trilogy. I haven’t make up my mind if I’m going to sell the Trilogy or not yet. It’s not like I have to feed it! It’s is good shape with the exception of tears on the seat seam :mad: It’s a 19 inch seat (I have a 34" inseam) and a MW tree.

Thanks for reaching out 😊 a 19” is going to be too large for me, but I appreciate it! Interesting to hear you thought Customs had a narrower twist. My custom actually had the tree break (bought it used). When my fitter contacted them to have a replacement tree shipped up, they couldn’t identify the tree that was used, based on the serial number so maybe they used a tree with a wider twist?