Torn coccyx ligament

Well, I have a tentative diagnosis of what I did to my rear when a tack malfunction resulted in unscheduled flying dismount -_-

Saw a specialist after a recent bad pain flare, he concurs that based on my two sets of x-rays, my tailbone is bent but not fractured. He thinks I tore one of the ligaments that are supposed to keep the damn thing in place.

At the moment, the pain is under control (I’m even riding without much discomfort) and I can’t justify $1k for an MRI to confirm. If it flares again, we’ll try a cortisone injection. If that doesn’t fix it, MRI and potential action from there. He mentioned resection of the tailbone if nothing else is working :eek:

Does anyone have experience with a similar injury? Has anyone had a tailbone amputated/resected?

Incidentally, I have exceptionally hypermobile joints and am looking into getting an Ehlers Danlos diagnosis, so my connective tissue has been a pain in my… everything, for roughly ten years -sigh-

Had my tailbone broken, twice.
As a kid from standing on the bicycle seat while rushing down a hill, hitting a pebble and bicycle and I parted company.
The second one decades later from a horse bucking me sky high and a hard landing on my behind.
Guess I don’t bounce.

All I can say is, sorry, OUCH! is right.

Thankfully mine healed fine and no problems from it.
Maybe tincture of time with a little shot to help along may fix it?
Good luck!

Yes. My coccyx and part of my sacrum were amputated in July 2009 due to spinal tumors. Overall the surgery was not that bad. My pain was well controlled with Percocet and I was up and walking the day following surgery. The worst part was the stitches as the incision ran from my anus to the top of my buttocks. i did have a little nerve damage to my bladder and I sometimes cannot tell when I REALLY have to go the bathroom. It was very surprising to be wetting my pants in the barn aisle way. I think I started riding again in September and went skiing in January. My surgery was done at the Cleveland Clinic.

![]( am awaiting a coccygectomy (removal). I have a spur or spicule on mine that points right out the back. I have been fighting it for years.
I had a major flare in 2011 and got things mostly calmed down until last year and it got really bad. I could no longer ride comfortably and that really sucks. Nevermind, sitting more than 30 minutes or even sleeping…of course I am a back sleeper and my tail doesn’t like the pressure on it.

My understanding is it is a congenital defect. I was a fat kid and had plenty of padding I guess. Now, the joint above it is fused and the spike has no where to go. I have exhausted all manner of injections, PT, acupuncture and even a hysterectomy thinking that my fibroid was causing the problem…no. I was only definitively diagnosed this year :sigh:.


It is a deceptive little bugger to see but it is not nice to sit on!

I am not looking forward to it but am just tired of not being able to participate in life and the activities or trips I would like to do if I could sit more than 30 minutes.
