Netflix is my friend! It’s the best Christmas present my parents got for us (the whole family). We each have a profile on the account too, so when we click on our profile after logging onto the site we get recommendations that suit our personal tastes. It’s a really neat feature that Netflix recently introduced. Dad is figuring out how to hack our IP address so it’ll let me watch American Netflix, since it has more to offer than the Canadian version.
I’m hosting a tea party with a group of friends next week, it’ll be fun!
I got called back to the hospital on Monday around noon, originally hoping for surgery at 3pm. Ended up getting pushed to yesterday morning at 7:30am. surgery went well, I’m on minimal amounts of pain meds. I take the strong stuff before bed (two pills), when i wake up (one pill) and about halfway through the day (one pill), then in between am/midday and midday/bedtime doses I take gabapentin (which i took last year for mood stabilizing effects) just to stretch out the stronger stuff’s effects. I feel no pain in my ankle, just pressure from the swollen area pressing on the cast. They gave me an awesome neon orange cast, because I said I love bright colours and rainbows.
I go back next wednesday to get the cast switched out. I think it’ll be a smaller plaster/fiberglass cast. then in 4-6 weeks when i’m allowed to start putting weight on it they’ll switch me to an air cast boot.
in January ish I’ll go back to get the pins taken out before they break and become unremovable. Then it’ll be the same 6 weeks of no weight, cast changes, and then when i can add weight i’ll be going to physio as well.
I’m lucky to still be living at home. It just so happened that Dad has this week and next week off of work, so he’s home to help me out. Mum comes home every day for a break from about noon til 3pm ish, so she makes me lunch or brings me snacks to nibble on. My appetite is only slightly less than usual, and I find that I’m happier to graze on snack all day rather than having actual meals.
The simple act of stabilizing the ankle and having a well balanced cast has made getting around on my crutches WAY easier! the splint they put on in the ER put pressure on the damaged area, and trying to raise my leg to get in/out of bed hurt like heck!
I lucked out and got the best orthopedic surgeon on the island to do my procedure. My whole hospital experience was fantastic, the doctors and nurses were wonderful. I had my own room for most of the day on Monday, but then was moved into a room with three elderly ladies. From there I got to see and hear some really awful abuse towards the nurses, there were two men in nearby rooms who had to be strapped to their beds/chairs because they were becoming dangerous to themselves and the nurses! There was one woman in my room who screamed profanities at the nurses anytime they went to check vitals or give her her medication. Another woman was throwing things at the nurses. I was the youngest person on the ward (at 22) by several decades too. But all the nurses and staff were wonderful to me, one night nurse on Monday night was a horseperson, so she sat with me for a while and we talked about horses, I showed her pictures of my little guy, and it turns out she had a very similar injury 3 years ago and had the same surgeon do her procedure, and she’s better than ever, so that made me feel really good! I ended up sending some of my friends who are in nursing school emails saying thank you for getting into nursing and that it’s people like them that make hospital stays WAY more pleasant. I could never be a nurse, but boy do I appreciate the people who are!
The ride leading up to the fall was actually a ton of fun. Everyone at the show was saying I should be a bronc rider, I apparently have quite the sticking power! haha. I stuck out three good rodeo episodes, and the fourth one was the longest (and most fun, I was laughing at his silliness) but he ran into the wall, deeked right, i went off the left side, and somehow caught my toe on the top of the stirrup (my heel stayed on the right side, so no, it didn’t go through and I didn’t get dragged), and it popped out of the stirrup as my hip/butt hit the dirt.
I think i’m going to sign up for some online classes in web design, maybe some administrative stuff, and do food safe online as well, in hopes of bulking up my fairly pathetic resume. I have been out of work since May (got laid off when the doggy daycare I worked at had to downsize), and have been on Employment Insurance (EI) since. Now I’m getting my doctor to help me apply for medical EI so that I don’t waste my regular EI benefits. That way, for the 6-9 months I’ll be not-quite-work-ready, I’ll have some income still, because I’m not going to be work-ready by the time my regular benefits run out in March.
I’m REALLY lucky that the one barn manager is putting some real training on my pony though. she’s already won with a hose and clippers (hosed him off on monday after a HARD ride, and gave him a bib clip this morning to help keep him a bit cooler during workouts) and he’s the sort of horse who needs heavy sedation to bathe or clip (was beaten with hoses in a previous home, and is just plain terrified of clippers. takes more tranq to clip/bathe than it does to do his teeth!). She’s an amazing rider and I adore her and love the way she works with horses, so when she’s through with him he’ll be one dead broke pony! When my driving trainer returns in the spring, I’m going to have her work him while I watch/listen and get him going in the cart, so I can drive him while I wait to be riding-ready 
kkmrad94 - hope you heal quick! the bone will heal faster than the ligament though