Total Knee Replacement?

I have read the other threads on knees and will soon become a member of the trashed knee brigade as it was called:eek:.

Both knees need replacing and my ortho will not do both at once. So I am about to be out of riding for 6 months or so, if I get one done next month and then do the other as soon as I can.

Hurt is a constant part of my day now. Have tried braces but am not thrilled with the weakness they left my legs in. Any suggestions?

Question is how soon can you get back on a horse if everything goes well? I know there is a ton of PT and plan to do it all the way.

I don;t hurt when I am on a horse (ride gaited) —crazy that!!!:yes:

Been there, done that, got the scars and hardware to prove it.

Trust me, you do NOT want them done at the same time! You have to have one good leg to support you. You’ll go home with a walker, but you need to have one leg you can count on, especially in the first week or so.

I did my last two replacements (yes, you read that right, I’ve had 4) 11 months apart. It takes 6 months to a year to really recover from the surgery.
I ended up rehabbing both knees together since knee 3 hadn’t totally recovered before I did knee 4.

Was it worth it? Hell, yes! I’m in less pain now that I’ve been in ages, and knee 4 isn’t even 4 months old yet. Still hurts some getting up from chairs, and stairs, well, I avoid them when I can.

I go home after 2-3 days in the hospital post-surgery and take care of myself. No spouse, no family, just me and 3 dogs. It’s hard, but it’s a great way to start your rehab because you can’t just lie around and do nothing.

Riding? Honestly, I gave it up after knee #2. Still own a horse, but don’t ride. Got into training and showing dogs instead — they’re a lot easier to haul to a show than a horse! But right now, at almost 4 months post-surgery? I think I could ride, no problem —assuming I had a nice, tall mounting block!

PM me if you want.


I just had my total knee replacement in September. I was able to drive my Pony in an EZ Entry cart, with assistance, by Halloween… and started riding my own horse by myself in December. I still use a mounting block to get on & off, & I will never be a “runner”, but I can walk, hike, bike, do staircases, ride my horse & numerous other things that I couldn’t do before & the bone-on-bone pain is GONE! I was SO EXCITED to be able to POST on my horse the first time, because the PAIN IS GONE!!! It is amazing how much Pain most of us put up with!!!

The key to good rehab of your knee is doing your Physical Therapy. I had 10 weeks 3x a week at a PT office, then I went ahead & joined a gym (never done that before in my life) & am using a Personal Trainer weekly specifically focusing on strengthening the knee & all muscles attached. Hopefully your TKR will go well & you’ll be in MUCH LESS PAIN soon!
:slight_smile: J

I had both knees replaced at the same time last August and was back at work in mid-September. It really depends on how bad they are - I could not have done physical therapy with one “good” leg - there WASN’T one good leg. Back on a horse before Christmas - new horse (free lease) came last Saturday. Be sure your surgeon has vast experience in knee replacement - mine has done 9000+ of them at the Hospital for Special Surgery in NY. As much as I hate NYC, it was worth it to go there.

I got mine done (years and years ago) at Special Surgery in NYC also. I was back on a horse - gingerly, and in a brace (bad for saddle) about 5 weeks post op, but that was really too soon, and a bigger risk than I would take now.

That said, the rehab options now are much better than they were back then; as long as you are diligent about your PT, I bet you will be back quicker than you think.

Good luck! New knees are awesome :slight_smile: