I’m looking for a nice solid trail horse in Northern Cal. The Auburn area. I’m 54 years old and not as confident as I was when I was 20. I believe I have good horsemanship but if horse wants to really argue and start bucking or crow hopping, I loose my confidence.
I’m beginning to think there is no such thing as a good solid horse for everyone out there. Either that or I have the worst luck in the world!!!
Going back several years… I’ve had some good ones but they were either raised by us or I had the good luck in getting two from friends that were very good riders and the horses didn’t come with a ton of baggage.
Then I bought one from an stranger and she was a scary bolter! The one after her was gaited and never did trail and that was a total disaster. She was so scared on the trail and I found out that I didn’t like riding gaited horses.
Now I have a Morgan who is a bucker. I have worked with him for over a year now and I"m beginning to hate riding because of him. He is the sweetest horse ever on the ground and when all the stars line up perfectly (LOL), he’s great on the trail. But if not all is perfect for him out there, you have to be a pretty experienced rider to ride him. If he gets excited or sees alot of other horses, he will start into crow hopping or bucking. And yes, I have worked with trainers etc… I"m sure a real confident person wouldn’t have an issue with him.
That’s not the issue I’m having - he and I don’t mesh as a riding partner team. I don’t need another hospital bill on him.
I don’t even know where to begin to look now. I don’t trust people now. They will lie to sell a horse.
I have contacted a couple of trainers that I know to keep an eye out. I"m in no rush. But really… are there good horses out there that need a forever home??? Or do people just sell horses that have problems???
I just want to go down the trail. Walk and trot with an occassional canter. But I love to trot. I don’t mind spooking unless it’s constant (like my husband’s arab) or one that does 180’s on a regular basis. NO horse is “safe”. Anything can happen. But is there a horse for me out there???
We did horse transport for the Tevis this year and one horse REFUSED To go thru a water crossing. There were two this year since swinging bridge is burned. The horse blew up over the water. I don’t know the history of the horse and I don’t know if the owner knew this would happen because there is the major river crossing towards the end that is always there. But the horse had to be hauled out because it was not going to happen. His legs were scraped up from freaking out in the water in the rocks.
I’m beginning to think tho that people do not sell good horses… Yeah, I’m depressed right now I can’t afford to spend thousands either but I would give the horse an excellent home and great trail riding fun. We give our horses chiropractic care to make sure they are happy and pain free. We are good horse people but I want to feel safe… and I want to have fun again.