Standing still at the train crossing waiting for the train to pass.
Remaining calm when being chased by loose, barking dogs.
Riding through a cow tunnel (
Ignoring the deer that decide to ambush you from the reeds.
Standing still/ground tying while you dismount to remove an obstacle from the trail like a fallen log. On that note, standing still while you brush clear and chuck sticks and rocks off the path. I spend so much of my ride trail clearing every spring…
How do you teach one to snack without running off while you have lunch @Scribbler ?
I think my horse would draw the line at emus. He was great about the vultures that one year landed right in front of us in the corn field though! Having turkeys paid off.
I would like to teach my horse to be better about opening gates while you’re on his back. It’s complicated by the fact our gates are heavy and not easily movable.