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Trailer Choice

Hi! I’m trying to decide between a 2004 Featherlite Warmblood 2 horse straight load and a 2019 Trails West Royale SXST. Which one would you choose? I appreciate any input! Thank you!!

I used to own a Featherlite 3 horse slant gooseneck trailer and liked it a lot. I only sold it because I rarely used the living quarters and switched to a trailer without lq.

Be sure to check the frame on any used trailer you buy. There are years that even the big names (removed manufacturer’s name) had some issue.

I am unaware of featherlite frame issues, but Sundowner had a lot of problems. Do you know what years featherlite’s stuff was questionable?

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You are probably right, I might be getting my big name trailer makers confused. Thank you. I will edit.

Still good advice to get the frame looked at on a trailer that is 20 years old.


Oh, totally. My old Featherlite that I’ve since sold had a center support randomly rip out of the floor.

The question is hard to answer without being informed of the specifics of each trailer. Could you describe both of them in as much detail as possible with your own perceived pros and cons. I assume you took some pictures of both. Those would be helpful.

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