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Trainer/boarding recommendations for Northern Virginia or Maryland? (cross-posted)

I’m looking for recommendations for a dressage or eventing trainer (cross-posted) in Northern VA (Loudoun, Clarke, Fauquier counties/Leesburg, Purcellville, Berryville, Middleburg, Warrenton) or Maryland (Montgomery, Frederick, Howard, Carroll counties) that offer full and partial training packages and lessons for a very average AA. My focus is dressage, but I like to cross-train and have enjoyed working with eventing trainers too. Showing for me is mostly unrecognized and I’m most interested in developing the correct skills to work my horses in a way that benefits them physically.

All that to say, I don’t need a BNT or a super competitive trainer, but I need one who is focused on horse welfare and correct basics through second, maybe third level. And I would really, really like a trainer that’s kind to me and to my horses. I don’t need smoke blown up my butt, but I’m not interested in being yelled at either (occasionally is fine!). And I’m not interested in yanking, cranking or gadgets to win ribbons. Horses are my happy place.

I’m currently in the middle of a very sudden divorce in which my ex gets to stay at our current boarding barn, so I need to move myself and my horses on quickly. High quality care is important. A welcoming atmosphere and fun boarders would be a HUGE plus, but I’m also a little desperate.

I would be extremely grateful for any suggestions for finding this needle in a haystack. TIA

I’ll PM you!

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I’ll pm you

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Waredaca & Greystone may work for you

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I have several clients in those areas and would be happy to connect you with any of them …
** Allison Springer (now in Boyce, VA): https://allisonspringer.com/lessons-training-clinics/
** Brittany Hebets Miller (Marshall, VA): https://www.hebetsmillereventing.com/services-offered/
** Skyeler Voss & Erin Murphy (The Plains, VA): https://www.morningsideeventingteam.com/trainers-1
** Stephen Bradley (The Plains, VA): https://stephensbradley.com/services/
** Martin Douzant & Joe DeSantis (Middleburg, VA): https://theframesporthorses.com/services/


Brittany Stanley at Hilltop Farm in MD.

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Beaux Rêves Equestrian in Hamilton (Loudoun County) should be a great fit for you!

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Valerie Pride and Blue Clover farms is in Maryland. Valerie’s not only a very accomplished eventer but also a judge and dressage competitor. She’s fantastic!

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Waredaca is awesome, but has very limited full training availability and no partial training, and their primary trainer snowbirds January through March. That said, even during the winter, they have a USDF gold medalist in twice a week, the care is great, and you can’t do better than said trainer (who is also a USDF medalist herself) when she’s not in FL.

OP, Windchase in Purcellville also ticks all your boxes.

Generally regarding suggestions for eventing trainers: Area II has an embarrassment of riches on this front. I understand you need to move quickly in this instance and so don’t necessarily have the option, but it can be very instructional to go and watch a trainer and their students at an event or schooling show, because philosophies and approaches to “correct basics” differ greatly.


I really appreciate all the thoughtful responses, thank you! I found an excellent temporary spot to land through the end of summer, but all of these names will be on my list when I start researching again for the fall. Hopefully they’ll be helpful to future readers too. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: