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Trainer competing against student

Yeah, I’m curious about this show as well! I call it a show bill, not a prize list, so I think I read your original post I quoted the wrong way. I’ve been waiting to hear more about the specifics. I’m wondering if the situation is that because it is a pony they only wanted to do pony classes and there were very limited and open pony classes. Same as here, but the ponies here will enter the non-pony specific classes and are judged on the pony stride. No big deal to have the horses and ponies in the same class in the schooling shows. That opens the door for more divisions this kiddo could enter. For example, we have beginner hunter that doesn’t allow pro/advanced – (unless kid has jumped over 2’ and then at least here is no longer beginner hunter eligible).

Just for example, here is a local series near me: http://www.triangleshowseries.com/@/Files/_files/58/file.docx Except for the Leadline/ Equitation divisions that are limited by age/ experience, nothing is limited to junior/ amateur/ children’s. There is no mention of amateur status for the h/j series at all.

@Highflyer this is very common for the local h/j and state association h/j series out here https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/806258_b2cc3ba830164c95b343628a5facfaa9.pdf