Trainer History Program

This idea would certainly lead to better transparency, imo, but the effortless disjointed industry leadership won’t implement it. Even if it does, recovering or attracting a significant fan base at this point is problematic as racing has too many problems beyond drugs to correct.

Isn’t that already available on Ownerview? I think so, although I’m not sure if all tracks participate.

To be honest, I haven’t visited Ownerview in some years. I don’t know.

Although I find this an interesting subject, with every sector of country jumping in the “transparency” parade, I don’t think for one minute that it will jump start horse racing. Can’t help but laugh about many articles I have read on this subject over the years. All for not. Real turf writers are getting old and still have hopes for the industry to recover while the young turf writers don’t have a clue and are wondering if introducing some kind of ball to the sport might make it more attractive.

Here you go.

As you can see, I’m not listed, but you can click on a trainer’s name and it takes you to a page with several tabs, one of which is “Rulings.” You can look up infractions on the Rulings tab.