So, I don’t ride western but I’d like to start and learn to train western horses. Here I want to talk specifically about western pleasure and the “slow factor.” How would you train a western pleasure horse from the beginning? I ride English and am into classical dressage for all disciplines. Would you train a western horse like that? I mean start by moving them really forward, stepping under and rounding their backs while letting them stretch down onto the bit, and then gradually slowing the gaits down and lift the head? If not how would you get that back up? (The reason I want to ignore other western disciplines is because the don’t require you to be slow, you can train in classical dressage for example and keep that movement.)
And if you were looking to buy a horse what would you look for? What kinds of things would you do in the test ride to determine if the horse is well trained and moving properly?
Feel free to share any methods or things that have worked for you. There seems to be less chat in the western forum so lets share info and get a good conversation started!