
Can’t believe it is July already! Luke had a bit of vacation after the Blue Ribbon Horse Show the first part of June. We were supposed to get lessons but things ran behind and a huge thunderstorm hit. Luke was ready at his time, but ended up just getting driven around the grounds. He saw all types of turnouts from minis to drafts, singles and Pairs. The dressage arena was available as the competitors drove the cross-country course, so Luke got driven around both the inside and outside WITH LETTERS and the white plastic chain! He was a bit wary, gave things a good look and did not get real close on the first round! But after a couple times he quit looking and was able to be driven close to the chain and letters doing circles etc.

We drove him around the fairgrounds to look at other things as well, passing other turnouts in both directions, standing to watch other horses and ponies do their turns on course. He was amazingly good, no talking, mostly rather forward if not checking out an odd thing. Husband was very happy with him. After a couple hours, husband said Luke was getting tired, time to put him back in the trailer to go home, which we did. Then loaded every thing else and tIed things down. I checked at the show office to tell them we were canceling the lesson, Luke was too tIred for it now.

We headed home and the rain caught us in a downpour! We pulled over at a parking lot until the rain let up, before heading home again. We were quite happy with how things went at the show. It was a very good experience for Luke, seeing so much that appeared to be new to him. He looked hard, but stayed well-behaved at all times.

Since then he got some time off during haying time. That dragged out much longer than expected with wet hay on the fields needing to be cleaned up. We were fortunate to get most of our winter supply in with only getting rained on once. Looks good, dry inside with the moisture tester. The other hay laying out was mostly unusable, getting rained on, dried, rained on agaIn a few more times. Then trying to clean up the stuff!

Most days Luke gets worked, then they head down the road to cool down. We are on the 4th carriage, a modern marathon type after the antiques. He does notice the changes, gets a bit foamy until he is more used to it. He appears to finally be shedding his winter undercoat, getting more brownish instead of blackish. The girth has come up two holes with work! Still a bit heavy, he sweats a lot during work. Not minding getting hosed after work, though not drinking out of the hose yet! Husband is introducing Luke to the pole hazard we have, which he did not know what to do with. He is listening to lighter rein and voice signals. Turns will come. His dressage circles are MUCH rounder with lighter rein cues, which husband says is from “better driving” by the human.

We have a driving club activity on the 20th, judged under pleasure rules I think. I know we have to get dressed up. I have a new Groom coat, $5 from the thrift store! I need to check the Rules to see what is required equipment on the vehicle. A club member is hosting at their lovely farm, so it will be a good time!