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trazadone is trazadone, unless you’ve gotten it compounded or something. I had 29 50mg tablets left over from when my GP gave me an Rx to see if it would help my insomnia, and I took 1/2 of one and it was horrible for me so I never took another, so the first day of boy’s traz I used the rest of them and decided to actually put my tongue on it - SO bitter! I got 3 different shipments from Allivet after that (150mg tabs) and they were equally as bitter.

BUT, different horses, just like people, have slightly different taste receptors, so some horses may not taste its bitterness well

Omg I tried trazadone for insomnia and was not functional. My husband was like what the heck did you take?! :joy: thankfully I tried it on the weekend. Never again!

Sure, yeah, different manufacturers can use different coatings or slightly different production methods or different inactive ingredients that could effect flavor.

I had a horse on metronidazole for multiple bottles worth of drug, and one generic company was super easy to grind, and another generic company had a coating or skin on their tablet then made it just a bitch to break it down. They were labeled the same and shipped to the vet’s pharmacy as the same. Made me really appreciate whatever the first company was doing!

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Update: no trazodone for now. She’s generally well-behaved in her paddock, being handled etc. Occasionally will spook but it’s over quickly. Difficulties are mainly when being ridden, and not consistently bad, but the trainer rides a lot of young, green horses, and if she feels more comfortable giving the pony some Ace before tack-walking, I trust her judgement.

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yeah, that 25mg had me unable to remember anything the next day, like I had serious dementia, it was awwwwful.

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A horse I had loved bitter things. All sorts of meds…barely had to mix Bute with anything, which is also exceptionally bitter and gross. Definitely foiled by buying Bitter Yuck for wood and bandage chewing with him, though! Should have known better.

Yes, I have/had 2 who will happily eat bute tabs out of my hand. Taste is strange!

I’ve suggested this in other threads, but I’ve had really good luck with SmartTranquility. It seems the valerian really does affect them. I have found it’s also not one of those “build it up in their system” type of supps, but that it is most effective the first 4-8 hours after giving.