Trigeminal Neuralgia

Any former or current riders been diagnosed? Me- three surgeries and left with anesthesia doloroso. Thank you in advance.

Saw. a program with Harvard trained doctors on new treatment for neurological disorders and they mentioned trigeminal Neuralgia. I believe it was a type of Light therapy. You can look it up but it sounded really interesting . Also mentioned Feldenkrais work… must have a well trained practitioner.

I worked with a woman who had it. She had brain surgery of some sort and it actually helped. That was around 2007, so this may be old news.

Thank you for the responses. Light therapy and Feldenkrais work are new to me, and I have done my share of Google Scholar searches. I will research those ASAP.

I am shocked that so many doctors misdiagnosis or just leave patients in the wind to figure out what is wrong and hopefully choose the right course of treatment.

Again, thank you both.