TRIM weight management

My horse has been on the PP chromium product about a week now. No issues with him eating it. To be honest, horse isn’t a picky eater though.

He seems less hangry at meal times which tracks with what I’ve observed when he’s been on chromium supps previously.

Perhaps coincidence, but we had a situation yesterday where I would have expected horse to be looky spooky and instead he was bold.

I just ordered the PP to see how it works for my Morgan boys. I’m excited to try it.

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Thats not bad at all given their price points. Im going to order a container for us too. Once I am through our last container of thyro-l which will be in a week or so, the vet advised to discontinue use. The PP sounds well worth the try!


Just FYI, I was advised to taper off Thyro-L, not stop cold turkey. If you’re doing the standard 1 scoop AM/1 scoop PM, I went to 1 scoop daily for a week, then stopped.


Yeah, I don’t get all the vitamins in Metaboleeze. It’s entirely possible my mare would do just as well on the PP pure chromium supplement.


We’ve been on two scoops once a day. I will plan to taper that back though, thanks for commenting because I was just starting to wonder if I need to do that!


My mare’s 3 month protocol is 2 scoops twice a day for a month, then 1 scoop twice a day for a month, then 1 scoop once a day for a month. She gets a little spicy in the first month!

Keep in mind that bigger horses may need more; she’s a hair under 15 hands and her ideal weight is 900 to 950 pounds.

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