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Trimming Extremely Long/Thick Forelocks?

Our barn has two miniature horses and one of them needs his forelock trimmed. It is to the point the his eyes don’t get any air so they get goopey to the point he can’t see. It also spreads across his entire face and is almost at his nose. My trainer and I have seen him run into things several times and we are concerned and want to trim it. How would you go about this? I absolutely hate the blunt cut forelocks so how can I cut it to make it look natural? Thanks!

I have one horse I have to do this for. Keep your scissors vertical (pointing from nose to poll, rather than across his forehead) and take small snips up into the forelock. You shouldn’t be taking much hair off each time.

If you know how and he doesn’t mind too much, ten minutes of pulling can be a big help too (target the longest hairs on the underside).