Triple Crown 2021

I can’t get a proper view of his conformation from that clip.

@snaffle1987 Not sure what his conformation has to do with the dexamethasone positive. Are you just wondering about his sale price?



He does appear to have something of a paddle in his left front. It’s literally a split-second image, though, so I won’t say conclusively that Medina Spirit is crooked.

Agree with you that it’s a huge leap to conclude that the colt’s conformation is some kind of evidence that he needed betamethasone. Everyone here has probably had experience with crooked horses who’ve never taken a lame step and/or consistently lame horses who have what appears to be excellent conformation and x-rays. The notes from Seattle Slew’s yearling sale indicate he toed out a little in one front and had less-than-perfect hinds (the note read “passes close at hocks”).

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The second article I linked to in the above post explains Medina Spirit’s 2Y/O price and that the vet had no problems with him.


I really feel for John Velasquez. He had no part in the drug positive but he’ll suffer the consequences, a lost Derby title and the loss of his share of the purse. Hopefully Zedan will be generous.


Sale price I am just wondering. but if he had preexisting joint issues in PPE evaluations at the sale it could lead to utilization of a drug like this to manage an issue. His confirmation could lead to such use as well if he is putting that much strain on joints on legs that are not well made and at a young age.

Standing still he looks to be ok in the leg department but on the move it’s a but more noticeable from several angles. Without looking at his vet history; it’s all speculation at this point. Just things I noticed but didn’t have time to mention prior.

See the link above. The vet had no problem with him at the sale and “gave the green light” for the buy, so it isn’t speculation, the horse didn’t have" pre-existing joint issues".


thanks. I wasn’t aware of that article. there is a lot of them flying around.

Since I don’t have much of a life, I often have TVG on as ‘background noise’. Seen a fair share of ‘ugly’ movers in head-on views… both front and rear. A horse ‘paddling’ I wouldn’t really even think twice about it as far as running soundness. I might think twice in breeding to that, but racing… wouldn’t bother me that much.

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Essential Quality is what I consider a paddler. Can really see it in his gallop too. Medina spirit just looks like he has a funky right front when on the walk from certain angles. Hard to tell since there isn’t many non-galloping videos out there of these horses.

From the Washington Post just now:

“LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Kentucky Derby winner Medina Spirit is headed to Baltimore for the Preakness Stakes while trainer Bob Baffert said Monday that he won’t attend the race to avoid being a distraction in the wake of scrutiny following the colt’s failed postrace drug test.”

Isn’t it unfortunate that Baffert doesn’t even seem to know the rules? He was quoted as saying that the limit allowed for Bethamethasone/Dexamethasone was 10 picograms when the rule is 0.

It’s hard to imagine that he is so removed from the horses he trains that he isn’t aware of a medication rule change that was put into place last August regarding Dexamethasone.

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Interesting. I remember all the legal hassles that Stronach had in California with bans from their tracks. I think they came out well for Stronach. Perhaps NY laws are different but they may have every right to ban him and his horses.

The whole thing stinks and it couldn’t happen at a worse time for horse racing, with PETA on the offensive. The bettors are up in arms and threatening a class action lawsuit if Medina Spirit is disqualified.

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Probably using that extra day for legal advice. :wink:

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Pimlico is in Maryland :slight_smile:

Belmont would be the New York track :wink:


Thanks. I never can keep them straight. Anyway my point remains. :blush:

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I found it odd during the interview when Baffert acted like he didn’t know what Betamethasone was used for. He’s been a trainer for how many years? Other horses of his tested for it, and yet he acts unfamiliar with it?


He does not want to be quoted about it.


He did seem shaken up during the interview. There may be many reasons why.
It’s getting old though. As you mentioned, he knows what corticosteroids are, as he was busted for them before with Gamine’s test.


If I were Baffert, I’d be verrrrryy concerned. He may have enough to retire, if this gets ugly, but good luck defending lawsuits from rightly disgruntled owners.