Triple Crown trophy ends up in pawn shop

Was watching back my DVRd programming fro the week and was stunned to see Affirmeds TC trophy featured on the History Channels show. Talk about never knowing what’s going to walk through that door…

Guy said he bought it from trainers family. Expert said it should be in a museum and valued it at 500k retail or high auction., guy wanted the full 500k. RH offered 250k but said it should be in a museum. Guy walked. Wonder where it is now…

Note there is a large case of Super Bowl rings in that shop, including some huge names.

Was it a pawn shop or an auction house?

Interesting. This is what I could find

The auction house web page says it did not sell. Not surprising I don’t see it being worth anywhere near $250.000

Pawn Shop…but the one in Vegas on tne TV show. Well known even before the TV show for buying pricey and unique items never seen in most Pawn shops. Both broker and expert said they really were reluctant to put a hard value on it with no comps but bet they researched that online auction result between takes.

Sports memorabilia is tricky, it’s very much worth what buyer will pay despite valuation.

Auction; (for the 6" replica awarded to winner’s connections)…/50001-80124.s

THE Trophy in the Kentucky Derby museum.

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I’m under the impression that the owner only keeps the trophy for a year, then returns it, and doesn’t actually get the real trophy, they get a replica.


The seller was probably asked to be on the show. Some people who work for the show go out and search for items to be on the show. I had someone from the show see one of my items on ebay and ask if I wanted to be on the show and talk about its history, etc.

I am wonder that how crown trophy ends up. everyone have different opinion.