Trochanteric Bursitis?

Has anyone dealt with this? I have almost all of the symptoms which for a long time I had chalked up to sciatica but now am not so sure… Definitely have a pain in the right area and lying on that side sends pain shooting down the leg… I have had a couple of epidurals when the sciatica was truly awful but this is different.

A friend battled with sciatica which was then diagnosed as bursitis and when nothing helped, she resorted to a “witch doctor” as her family told her and went to a chiropracter. A few months and she’s been pain free now for several years. FWIW

Good luck!

Many thanks for the input. Will look into my options in this area.

I have it, from a dislocated hip 35 years ago, courtesy of a heifer that jumped on top of me.
I didn’t have a problem until 10 years ago, was misdiagnosed as sciatica on an MRI result, because of that last disc bulging.

Finally, when I had lost down to 20% use of that leg, a new Dr put me on theraphy for that and gave me a shot in the right spot last May, as a diagnostic procedure.

Guess what, that shot “cured” it for all these months, I regained up to 60% use of that leg and it is just now starting to give twinges again.:slight_smile:

Oh, a friend insisted I try his chiro, I had three treatments, the pain became much worse after them, they seemed to really irritate it, so I didn’t go back.

If you have not tried injecting the area yet, see if your Dr thinks is worth a try.:yes:

Hey Bluey, do you know what your doctor gave you in the shot? I was having horrible constant pain in my sciatica and then my lyme doctor gave me a shot there in Dec and until yesterday I hadn’t had any pain there. I keep meaning to ask him but I always forget!

It’s also possible that the symptoms of trochanteric bursitis are really the symptoms of a torn gluteus minimus tendon and are masking that. Get a GOOD MRI of the area and find out what is really going on before you get any injections into the bursa. Ask me how I know.:mad:

Hey Bluey, do you know what your doctor gave you in the shot? I was having horrible constant pain in my sciatica and then my lyme doctor gave me a shot there in Dec and until yesterday I hadn’t had any pain there. I keep meaning to ask him but I always forget![/QUOTE]

I think that, used as a diagnostic procedure, to see if it works and if it does, this is what it is, probably, they use some prednisone preparation with lidocaine, or some such mixture.
I don’t know, I didn’t ask, will ask next time I see him.

Medicine is not as exact as we may think, because our bodies are kind of sneaky about some things, back/hip pains at times one of those.

They use cortisone of some form plus lidocaine in the injections.

I’m having a mild case post hip replacement - topical Volatren gel is helping quite a bit - altho it is kind of a PITA to use.

I am dealing with it. I had cortisone injections but they were not of much help, and I was told to come back if they didn’t but I just haven’t done it.

This flared up last summer as a result of riding my big, wide WBX bareback three or four days a week. Right now I am treating it with stretches, exercises, ice packs and a TENS unit. I sleep on my back with a pillow under my knees. It’s a total PITA.

I just bought a very green horse, so I’m not riding much, but I fear that riding will exacerbate it.

I also went to a chiropractor last year when I first got it, and it helped a lot. As it only really bothers me when I go to sleep, I tend to forget during the day, hence I haven’t done what I could to be alleviating the symptoms.

I’ve had it, too. First went to a chiropractor with excellent knowledge of rider’s problems (his wife trains jumpers…) for adjustments. When that didn’t do the trick, he suggested I speak to my GP. HE suggested physical therapy before trying injections.

By golly, the stretches the PT gave me worked! I did the stretches daily for several weeks until the pain went away. Now I do them only occasionally when I feel that twinge starting.

I suggest a good Physical Therapist!

Thanks! Have a great one nearby…

Hip Replacement and Riding?

I just learned I need a hip replacement and worried how this will affect my riding.
Has anyone gone through this, if so are you still riding?

I am bumping this because I am having such bad pain and inflammation from the bursitis that I have pretty much quit riding. For the first time ever, it also affects me walking. I get around just fine, but I can’t go on a very long or strenuous walk or I get sore and wake up at night from the pain.

I underwent cortisone injections again a few months ago, and they did help temporarily, but I am back to not really riding, maybe once every week or so. Not fun. And I have my dream horse now but he’s green, so I must pay for all his training.

Any ideas? Anyone else out there have to quit riding? Please tell me I will wake up one day and feel fine.

I am also doing Pilates and PT, once a week each. And stretching daily, and getting lots of localized massages.

Oh, it’s a miserable condition, isn’t it? I thought it was sciatic at first, too, until we were able to localize it more down my thigh down to my knee, but no lower. Had it shot with cortisone twice, I think, and it finally cleared it up after months of pain.

Oh, it’s a miserable condition, isn’t it? I thought it was sciatic at first, too, until we were able to localize it more down my thigh down to my knee, but no lower. Had it shot with cortisone twice, I think, and it finally cleared it up after months of pain.[/QUOTE]

But it did clear up. Good for you! That’s what I’m hoping for.:yes: