Trouble replying to a "Message"

I just wrote a long, heartfelt message answering one of my “Messages,” but when I tried to post it I got an “error_information_x” message when I pressed "Post. " My browser is Firefox. Mac 10.11.6

What am I doing wrong?

Thank you in advance for your help.

I’ve had this happen with really long replies, too!

Maybe there is a word number limit to that function?

That’s my guess :yes: Although I think we brought this up with mod1 early in the move to the new board, and were told nope? Maybe it’s an “unpublished” limit…?

If there is a limit, I would guess character count vs word count - maybe could be nit picky but the size could be pretty different depending on the writer’s style.

OP, try taking (if you still have a copy of what won’t post) the long post and posting just the first half of it. That might help pin down if there is some sort of limit.

Are you able to post short posts with no problem?