
I debated where to post this.
Decided it fits here.
Made me nod along… & Smile :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

"How a horsewoman knows she is rich:

I am rich. I have $15 in my checking account and a golden mare in the barn.

I am rich. I have a car that mostly works and enough gas to get to the barn every day this week.

I am rich. I have boxes of pasta and generic sauce in my pantry and enough hay to feed my horse through the winter.

I am rich. I have enough old coats and sweaters to layer up and stay warm while I do barn chores.

I am rich. I vacation by camping with my horses and going to cheer on my horse riding friends at horse shows. Sometimes I even play too, and spend $1000 to bring home a fifty cent ribbon that I will treasure more than a photo in front of the Eiffel Tower.

I am rich. I have tools: duct tape and baling twine and the know how to fix just about anything with these tools.

I am rich. I find joy in making my own things, making do, and making right. I have a 20 year old saddle, a 35 year old body, and the wonder and joy of a 6 year old child learning that a horse can give her wings.

I am rich.

My wealth is not measured in dollar signs but in horsey snorts and nickers. My riches aren’t spent on electronics and fancy clothes but are shared with my human and four footed friends.

Next time someone finds out that I have a horse and says, " You must be rich to afford that" I will smile, and agree.

-Suzanne Waldrop"


I am rich too.
Thanks for posting that.
BTW- you sure do sound like a good cook, based on What Are You Cooking Now.


Thank you for posting this! I feel the same way…I’m loaded😀!!!

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Love it.

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