My sweet 14 yr old gelding is field boarded at an old cow barn. The owner is not super horse savvy- he’s a retired UPS driver with land and has always liked having a few horses around to mow the lawn.
I knew when I moved there 3 years ago it was a bit iffy. But, for the most part it’s been fine- he’s a great person, easy to deal with, grows his own hay, has automatic waterers and does a good job overall. He did have a tendency to take in way too many horses which is fine in summer when he can put them on separate pastures, but can be an issue when they are crowded into the winter paddock and cow barn.
There were two issues in the past few months that gave me pause. And although BO is not taking any new horses (TG), he still has 6 there including my guy.
First situation was over the summer- he took a horse from a rescue in with no health certificate. Horse had obvious and active strangles. The owner of horse is a piece and has been in/out of many places and is a trouble maker. She previously left but sweet talked her way back when she needed a place for said rescue horse. BO felt bad and took horse in.
It was a disaster! My farrier called to tell me about a horse w strangles being there and helped BO quarantine things off. The boarder got into an argument with BO and called Sheriff Dept. Ugh too much Jerry Springer show for my liking. But my horse is fine, never gets sick, other horse heals up and leaves. Things quiet down.
Until today- a friend who lives nearby where i keep my gelding messaged me that two horses got out and were hit by a car this morning. Wasn’t sure they belonged to my barn or not. I immediately called BO. I could tell he was distraught so knew right away it was our barn. He said he was woken up by the sheriff department at 630am and learned two horses got out and were hit by a car. They needed to be put down at the scene. Apparently the one bully horse cornered the other one, knocking down a gate and then running off. The following is the knocked down gate:
My horse was in that open yard along with a few others and didn’t take off (again, TG). However Ive grown a bit leery of keeping my guy there given some of the issues with poor fencing and safety in general.
BO is a wonderful person and I know he tries. He was very upset by what happened this morning. He called his insurance agent and os waiting to hear how that plays out.
Just looking for feedback in general about this situation and if anyone has boarded other people’s horses were an accident like this occurred, did it lead to future issues boarding horses?
My gut says I should probably look for another spot for my guy.
So awful all around.