Two Horses STOLEN -GA

These two horses were stolen from Begin Again Farms in Ellerslie, GA along with a trailer and a bunch of tack. See the flyer and more info here:

or on facebook here:

update! horses found and thieves arrested! (well one of them)
see below quotes from begin again farms staff:

The horses would not have lasted another day in that condition. Buck lost about 100lbs in 3 days. They are both dehydrated and hungry. The idiots dragged the trailer for an undetermined number of miles. Leaving the steel belts exposed on the tires, dragged the light pig tail off and the chains.

We brought the horses, trailer & tack home last night. We are so relieved to have them home. They are in bad shape though. The little mini is having lung trouble from being left in the trailer for 3 days in the heat standing in their own feces and urine. He is so low to the ground he was unable to get fresh air.

One thing great is that the thief was arrested last night now we just have to find his girlfriend. His name is Mark Judd from Madison, AL., does anyone know this monster? We now have to find his female companion in this crime Sara M…