Yesterday, I worked setup at the big library sale the county next door has twice a year. They cancelled the spring sale, really debated about the fall, but they already had eight semis of donated books from spring that didn’t get put out, and more has come in since. They really needed to have one and not wait for next spring. So they are going forward with masks required and extra precautions. The hall they rent is huge, like a Walmart supercenter, so room to spread out.
Anyway, I spent the whole afternoon unloading boxes of books from the semis. The sale wasn’t open yet technically until today, but at the end of the afternoon, they let the volunteers browse for a few minutes as a reward for working. I browsed in the animals section first, of course, and found two horse-racing books, neither of which I have read, but at $1 each for good condition hardbacks, worth trying out. Has anybody read these? Are they good?
Rambling Willie: The Horse God Loved. I’ve heard of Rambling Willie but don’t know much else about him and had never read his book.
Short Heads and Tall Tales by Lester Piggott. Definitely familiar with Lester Piggott, but had no idea he did a book himself. I’ve read the Dick Francis biography.